Thursday, January 29, 2009

Life Wellness Center commercial

As you work to get well, Life Wellness Center helps you stay well.

At Life Wellness Center, we combine Chiropractic care with Physical Therapy and Massage Therapy to create your own Life Wellness Team. Because chiropractic care is MORE than just feeling better temporarily. It's about feeling better FOR LIFE. You won't believe the difference. For information, go to

Life Wellness Center in Lakeville. We help people GET WELL and STAY WELL.

(A special thank you to Charter Communications for producing a great commercial for us. Be on the look-out for it on various channels if you have Charter Communications for your cable service provider.)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Detoxification: Is It Right For You?

Our first of three seminars regarding our "Triad of Health" logo will be held on Tuesday, February 17th from 6:30pm – 7:30pm. Our topic is detoxification. Our special guest speaker will be an expert in clinical nutrition, Carl Neubauer of Nutrition Dynamics. Samples of different delicious products will be served.
Please R.S.V.P. by Friday, February 13th to reserve your spot or if you have any questions please call us at 952-435-5300 or by emailing us at Feel free to bring a guest.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

L.W.C. now on FACEBOOK!

If you are a user, look for Life Wellness Center. We have our very own page. Check us out and become a member!

How To Make 2009 Your Best Year Ever!

I've got BIG NEWS -- a major announcement to share with you.
But first, I want to take a moment to say something very important -- something I may not say often enough...THANK YOU!
We feel fortunate to have you as a client and we sincerely appreciate your business during 2008.
I work hard at having the best personal training studio in the South Metro area, but I realize I'm not 'the only game in town. Which is why I'm very appreciative of your loyalty and grateful for the opportunity to continue serving you.
So again, thanks!
Now...on to the BIG NEWS!
And this is really BIG - in fact you will probably be reading about it in the newspaper, possibly seeing a story about it on TV. Here's the scoop:
I have teamed up with four other highly respected Lakeville health, fitness and wellness professionals to host THE event of the New Year. It's a 2-hour extravaganza called...
"How To Make 2009 Your Best Year Ever!"
The #1 focus of the entire event is YOU, your body, your appearance and your health. I am confident you would agree that without your health, what do you really have? We will give you the strategies and techniques that radically and rapidly improve your quality of life!
This special event will also focus on raising much needed funds for the Community Action Council. Plus, you will have the opportunity to win some of the $850 in prizes we'll be giving away at the event! Wait until you see what we have in store for you!

You can get the entire story by clicking the link below - or copy and paste it into your browser window:
We are putting on this event for three reasons:
1. We want to give back to the wonderful Lakeville community that supports our businesses.
2. We want to challenge Lakeville residents to make 2009 your BEST YEAR EVER, and
3. We want to raise money for a very worthy charitable cause.
In the spirit of the season, we are not charging anything for you to attend 'How To Make 2009 Your Best Year Ever! - all we ask is that you make a $10 tax-deductible donation to the Community Action Council. The Community Action Council will have a representative at the event to collect your donation and provide you with a receipt for tax purposes. So you can help yourself and help others at the same time. In my book, that's a BIG WINNER. I hope you agree.
Go to our website right now to get all the details about "How To Make 2009 Your Best Year Ever!" Just click the link below or copy and paste it into your browser window: I look forward to seeing you there.
Erik Peacock -Puravida Fitness