Monday, October 17, 2011

Topic of the Week: Innate Intelligence and its Relation to Chiropractic

Innate Intelligence – a chiropractic principle that supports your overall health and well-being!

When your life began, there were only two cells that came together to be ONE.

That one cell divided, then divided again, and divided again… eventually resulting in the human being that is known as YOU (a collection of about 50-70 TRILLION cells!).

Have you ever wondered how each cell knew where it was supposed to go? How, once a cell divided to become two new cells, that one of them knew it was supposed to differentiate into a heart cell, and the other was destined to become a lung cell? Or, how once all these individual cells grew and divided, that they were able to remain coordinated, with billions of cellular interactions taking place every second? How can all this be accomplished without you needing to be aware of any of it?

The original chiropractor, D.D. Palmer, also wondered about these things. He was fascinated with the human body and human life. From his experience with different healing modalities, he observed how health could be influenced by energy, and energy fields. He posited that all living matter must be guided to grow and evolve by an invisible life force – which he called Universal Intelligence.

It then followed that since we are alive, we must also possess within us a form of this Universal Intelligence – an energy which gives and sustains our lives with ease. He coined this force inside the body Innate Intelligence. As long as this Innate Intelligence is allowed to flow freely through and within us, then the physical matter can be animated and organized into a living, breathing, creative, expressive organism.

How does Innate Intelligence relate to chiropractic?

Universal and Innate Intelligence, in and of themselves, are considered perfect creations. However, once this intelligence has been injected into a physical system, it is unfortunately subject to the imperfect nature of that system. Such is the destiny of Innate Intelligence in the human body. Wherever there is a disruption of this life energy in the body, imperfection is expressed, and dis-ease can result.

D.D. Palmer taught us that Innate Intelligence is communicated to every cell in the body via the nervous system. Therefore, as long as the nervous system is free of interference or disruption, the health and wellness of the organism is sustained (considering the natural life-span of every cell).

The importance of the brain and the spinal cord relative to the life of every human being is confirmed by the body’s anatomy – these are the only two tissues in the body completely encased in a hard skeletal shell of protection! However, all this protection does not come without a cost. Bone is not very flexible – and life without movement is rather meaningless. So, in order to facilitate movement, the spine was separated into 26 movable pieces – 24 vertebrae, plus a sacrum and coccyx.

Because the individual parts of the spine can move, they can also become displaced. When a vertebra gets misaligned, restricted and/or dysfunctional, this is called a vertebral subluxation. Not only can this cause painful irritation of the joints and the nerves associated with that vertebra, but it can also disrupt the natural flow of Innate Intelligence, which can then disrupt the function of any tissue in the body, including the immune system – which leaves a person susceptible to illness.

Fortunately, D.D. Palmer recognized the importance of the spine, and the significance of vertebral subluxations with respect to our health. So important, in fact, that in 1895 – Chiropractic was born.

Although chiropractic and chiropractic techniques have evolved considerably over the last 115 years, all chiropractors hold true as their central tenet:

The human body possesses an Innate Intelligence with infinite wisdom – including the ability to maintain and sustain life – and this Innate Intelligence gives the body a natural state of ease, which can also be termed well-being. Innate Intelligence is communicated throughout the body by the nervous system. If the nervous system becomes irritated, then the communication of Innate Intelligence will be disrupted, causing dis-ease. The most common cause of nervous system interference and irritation is the vertebral subluxation.

Chiropractic is the only health care profession that has, as its central purpose, the identification and removal of vertebral subluxations from the spine in order to restore our natural state of ease and well-being. Anyone who has experienced a chiropractic adjustment can attest to the wide range of benefits that chiropractic provides.

Chiropractic adjustments not only ease your pain and suffering by taking the pressure off joints and nerves – they promote wellness by facilitating the flow of Innate Intelligence!

Disclaimer: Information contained in this Wellness Express™ newsletter is for educational and general purposes only and is designed to assist you in making informed decisions about your health. Any information contained herein is not intended to substitute advice from your physician or other healthcare professional. Copyright © Wellness Express™

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