Wednesday, August 3, 2011

"Core Stabilization" by Dr. J

The phrase “core strength” recently has become popular in the healthcare and fitness industries. Many people spend time and money trying to gain “core strength”, but do not completely understand which muscles make up the “core” and what they do for their body.

Muscles of the core
■Hip muscles
   ■glutes stabilize your pelvis while walking and when standing on one foot.
■Low back muscles
   ■erector spinae-extends your back and keeps you back upright while standing
■Abdominal muscles
   ■rectus abdominus (six-pack muscle) bends your trunk forwards.
   ■external and internal obliques rotate the spine and stabilize during twisting movements
   ■transverse abdominus provides a compressive force which stabilizes the spine and pelvis

Purpose of the core
Our core is what keeps us upright while standing, stabilizes our body before lifting heavy loads, braces and stabilizes our body before we receive impact, and most importantly keeps our body in alignment and functioning the way it was meant to. If we do not strengthen our core, the results can be postural misalignments, pain, and increased difficulty performing simple daily tasks.

How is your core?
Is there a way to evaluate your core before a problem occurs?
Yes! Make an appointment at LWC and ask for a core evaluation.
It is important to stop a problem before it occurs!

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