Monday, August 8, 2011

Exercise of the Week: Low Back Stabilization in Reverse Bridge Position with Hamstring Curls (single leg)

Difficulty: Advanced
Start: Lie on back, lower legs resting on ball, knees straight. Hands can rest on hips with elbows touching floor. Press down into ball with legs, lifting hips until entire body is in straight position, feet to shoulders. Stabilize with stomach tucked in and hold. Lift one leg a few inches off ball, stabilizing with only one leg on ball.
Exercise: Roll ball toward buttocks using one leg. As ball comes closer to buttocks, hips should rise but not bend, keeping a straight line between knee, hips and shoulders. Curl leg to 90 degrees and hold for 1 count. Return to start position; maintain a tight abdomen throughout. Repeat 5-10 times per leg.

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